If there has been one upside of the COVID pandemic, for me it has been that exercising at home has become much easier and much better. Even before the pandemic, I was looking for a little extra help with my fitness efforts. I belong to a gym, but it is miles away and visits once or twice a week was as much motivation as I could manage. In between sessions I’d fall apart and so was always looking for something to fill the gap – watching workout DVDs, etc., but nothing really worked very well.
But then COVID hit and the gym shut down completely. And the internet became a vital link to the outside world. Fortunately, several sites began posting guided workout sessions. (I’ll always be grateful to Planet Fitness for the “work-ins” they posted daily for several months!)
And then I heard about the Community Living Campaign’s “Always Active” program! A daily, live, guided class for active seniors like myself. Just right!
I gradually learned more about using Zoom, and chroma-keying (green screen) and so my living room location became a gym and anywhere else I could think of!
I never dreamed that technology would evolve so that in our humble homes we could do visual trickery that only major studios used to be able to do! and Always Active has given me the opportunity to have fun with all this! Yes, thanks to Always Active I have a new favorite hobby!
Mars… Mar-a-Lago… Golden Gate Park… the Taj Mahal… With electronic dance music playing along on a good sound system this became as much a party as a workout! Fun for me and I hope the other folks, too!
Always Active has become an important part of my life. It helps me stay physically fit, but it also provides a surprising amount of social contact – virtually – with its regular group of friendly participants and instructors.
Thank you, CLC and Always Active staff!

Norma C. Age 79
Since I joined Always Active for Seniors I became more energetic and my flexibility has improved. I also met new friends and I reduced my stress.
In October 2016, after learning of my Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis, Glenda Hope knocked on my door, inviting me to join the Always Active exercise class at Bethel Church. The first day was eventful when I lost my balance during an exercise, and crash landed onto the floor. Many ladies rushed to my aid. Joe, jokingly, asked me to repeat the fall at the next class for those who missed it…I declined.
Balance continues to be a top priority. I’ve learned to recognize my abilities, modify the exercises as needed, and important fall prevention techniques.
My fellow exercisers and instructors are friendly and supportive. In April, encouraged by MG, six of us participated in the MS Walk, with many supporters. With their assistance, I was able to complete the three mile walk.
Friendships ae made at Always Active.
Karen Pudoff
Since I retired two years ago, I started to attend the exercise class to help me keep up with my grandchildren. My recent trip to Peru to visit Machu Picchu would not have been possible without the exercises I received to strengthen my legs, the inner core and 2-3 mile walk we took three times a week. I was able to climb uneven steps without any problems despite some 14,200 ft altitude in some areas.
I am so grateful for the wonderful program to keep us moving.
– Gratefully, Linda
Charlene F. – 71 – Aquatic Park (she’s the seated one) – I have emphysema. My doctor suggested I take this class and it’s kept me going and breathing for the past 2 years.
Patty M – 83 – Aquatic Park. I’ve been taking this class for the last 10 years. It’s one of the reasons I can still get around on my own – on muni, driving or walking.

I started to go to the exercise classes shortly after my heart attack as a remedy. At that time the class was lead by Jim who was so tough that I did not think that I could keep up. After looking around and seeing that most people in the class were elderly Chinese women I decided that if they can do it so can I and I am still doing it. I like the music, the instructors, the camaraderie but best of all I like how good it feels when we stop.

I really enjoy this class. I take many classes and Always Active is the most beneficial for me.
This is the first time in my life that I joined an exercise group. Since my early 20’s I worked many hours including nights and weekends and did not have the time to participate in such activity. I am now semi-retired.
My first class was in March 2019 and I have almost consistently attended the Thursday classes with the Miraloma group. In a few short months, I have noticed an improvement in my gait and balance. I have had frequent falls which I attribute to dragging my feet. The marching exercises have made me aware of lifting my foot as I walk. The stretching exercises especially of my arms have allowed be to reach out more easily and without pain in my rib joints. I no longer feel as stiff as before. These improvements may appear minor to many, but for me, they are significant.
I also appreciate the exercises that strengthen the different muscles of the shoulder and thus reinforce the rotator cuff (a common site of injury among us elderly). One day, I will learn how to strengthen the different muscles of my legs, as our instructor says, “this exercise will strengthen the hamstrings”. I am hopeful that these maneuvers will allow me to be mobile and pain free as I age.
The session is enjoyable, even if some of the exercises are challenging. It’s fun to march with a song from the Beatles and nostalgic to stretch with the Byrd’s in “Turn, Turn, Turn”. Certainly, these songs were chosen to inspire us too.
–Lourdes (66 years old) June, 2019
I had knee replacement and I used to walk with a cane. When I came to 30th Street, I joined the exercise classes and now I am not using the cane. My strength and flexibility has improved, I feel taller when I walk, and people tell me I look younger!
– Angela F. (67yrs)
I’ve been participating for two years, and I’m definitely stronger than I was, and it helps keep my asthma clear. I think the exercise program is my main effort, and it has been very good all the way through. I come every Tuesday and Thursday to the advanced class, it gets me up and gets me going, and I could do more than I could do two years ago with bending, lifting, perseverance, and breathing better. I also feel more energetic. When I first came here I was very shy and reserved, and I got to the point where I could lead the class, and that was an accomplishment for me because I never could lead anything before.
– Edward B. (76yrs)
When I first started I was just doing happy heart (treadmill and bike). Then, I started the strength and flexibility classes. I felt it was doing a lot for me. I was stretching using my arms that weren’t being used before. I used to not be able to walk one block without being tired. I thought I would drop out because I was too old, but I kept coming and encouraged myself because the exercise was doing a lot of good. They teach you to breath and stretch, and now I can run! Gradually I improved and now I can go up the stairs quickly. I feel so happy with always active, it’s made me feel younger than my age. I feel alive and when I sleep my body relaxes and I sleep well. Always active has made me very active.
– Rebeca